A Home Services business was performing well but with increasing competition, talent challenges, and the recent acquisition of additional locations, they wanted to drive improvements.
The business used their team of analysts to combine data on a weekly and monthly basis to understand how the entire business was performing as well as the profitability of each location and department.
Because each location had separate instances of operating applications, the team also had to combine that data to understand key operating metrics.
The time consuming and manual process to create consolidated reporting for each stakeholder, as well as gather and connect data for profitability reports by location and by department led to an inefficient back-office process.
Constant ‘busy work’ and Excel data manipulation left little time for value-add work to drive the business forward.
Likewise, reporting limitations meant managers did not have the real-time visibility necessary to better coach technicians resulting in operational inefficiencies.
01 | Connected disparate ERP and operating applications to BUCS proprietary FP&A purpose-built platform.
02 | Automated the process to create real-time financial and operational KPIs for the business. Provided visibility to a consolidated business-level view with the ability to drill down across all dimensions.
03 | Identified opportunities and implemented training to improve earning potential for technicians as well as narrowed focus on what job types and geographic locations were most valuable.
Armed with actionable insights and real-time reporting to better coach employees, the Home Services business increased revenue per job by 25%, revenue by technician by 19% while decreasing the number of weekly calls per technician by 6%. The improved coaching and technician performance led to a 33% increase in revenue for the business.