CPC, LLC (“CPC”) is an investment company with a buy, build, and hold strategy through the implementation of the 5 Five Key Battles™. CPC seeks to invest $50-$100M for controlling interests in a diverse set of businesses with long-term competitive advantages.
CPC’s investment team aims to be at the forefront in its use of technology and desire to learn the business through more insightful analysis in the due diligence process.
Due diligence moves at a fast pace and access to detailed data that can be critical for investment decisions is limited. A quality of earnings is necessary, but this can come up short in providing rich insight for strategic investment analysis.
Direct access to granular profitability, working capital and operational trends is limited by availability (time and access) from the seller.
01 | Designed a uniform data structure and reporting packet that all deals can flow through at onset.
02 | Displayed attribute level profitability, working capital and segmentation analysis to dive deeper into trends driving the business.
03 | Provided a direct pipeline of structured target company data for ad hoc analysis by the investment team.
Created an evolving partnership that responds to the needs of the business and closed 2 $50-100M deals in first 12 months.
“BUCS is the foundation of all portfolio company activity. From M&A support, ongoing monitoring of investments and reporting to LPs and other stakeholders, BUCS helps streamline the flow of information and makes insights visible where we were previously blind to.”
Jared Poland, Principal